• After Vacation and Into Spring

    Posted on July 10 2024

    After arriving home from Jamaica, I found that winter was, once again, a cruel mistress. I thought we would feel recharged knowing spring wasn't far away, but it was just...

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  • Year In Review ~ 2023

    Posted on May 31 2024

    I finished my 2023 recap book! Click the photo link below. Once you're there, click on the PREVIEW and hit the arrows at the top to open it up big. :)...

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  • Jamaica in January

    Posted on March 11 2024

    You know, snow + cold + my birthday = get out of dodge.Chris has a big birthday this year too and I asked him where he wanted to go to...

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  • Falling Forward

    Posted on January 13 2024

    We had a lovely fall, the weather was very cooperative and we made the most of it with family picnics, walks in the woods and enjoying being outside :In mid September,...

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  • Spring into Summer

    Posted on October 30 2023

    May was brighter and warmer, the blossoms came and so did the geese ~ We celebrated our niece, Sunshine's 18th birthday, the last to become an "adult" of our nephews...

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  • The Unlocking of Winter

    Posted on October 24 2023

    Back home from our trip in February, my bestie drove up with her son for a visit. We went to the Ice Festival in town to look at ice sculptures...

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  • January Escape!

    Posted on October 10 2023

    As per every new year, Chris and I set out into the frigid cold of our backyard to make a fire, burn our regrets from the past year and start a...

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  • Year in Review ~ 2022

    Posted on October 09 2023

    I finished my 2022 recap book! Click the photo link below. Once you're there, click on the PREVIEW and hit the arrows at the top to open it up big. :)...

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  • The Coming of the Light

    Posted on January 10 2023

    How was the rest of your year? I left off at the end of October. November brought gatherings with family and some rock n' roll:  Above: our Uncle's 50th birthday...

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  • Summarizing Summer

    Posted on November 01 2022

    In July, I entered a radio competition for "top lawn cuts" and won a year's worth of lawn care. I took this photo:  And came home to this sign in...

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  • Springtime in Edmonton

    Posted on July 06 2022

    The annual visit from the Easter Bunny came this April as I scoured the house looking for hidden treats - what a score!  * We also had a wonderful Easter feast at...

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  • A New Year

    Posted on May 06 2022

    It snowed a lot this winter, but it didn't stop us from having our New Year's fire. Cheers to a new year!  With all the cold and snow, I had...

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  • Year In Review ~ 2021

    Posted on March 20 2022

    I finished my 2021 recap book! Click the photo link below. Once you're there, click on the PREVIEW and hit the arrows at the top to open it up big. :)...

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  • Adiós 2021

    Posted on February 15 2022

    Well 2021 was an interesting year... actually, November and December seemed kind of normal including visits with friends:  Judy and I continued our new "making wreaths" tradition:  We went on...

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  • A Felicitous Fall

    Posted on November 08 2021

    We had a glorious fall. It was jam packed with picnics, walks along the river valley to soak in the changing colours and bike rides to local ponds on sunny...

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  • Summer Notes

    Posted on September 07 2021

    We had a hot stretch this June and my peonies popped open like firecrackers! They are my favourite flowers of summer ~ short lived, but stunning.  With the hot temperatures,...

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  • Spring Update

    Posted on June 18 2021

    Where did we last leave off... oh, yes it was March, wasn't it? Well April came and let's just say it was pretty tame as we went into another "lockdown"...

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  • Year In Review - 2020

    Posted on April 30 2021

    I finished my 2020 recap book! Click the photo link below. Once you're there, click on the PREVIEW and hit the arrows at the top to open it up big. :)...

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  • Recent Musings

    Posted on March 15 2021

    Well a new year started and unfortunately, Covid didn't just disappear like many had hoped. It's been a cozy winter, enjoying the twinkle lights, but I have been anticipating spring...

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  • Goodbye 2020

    Posted on January 16 2021

    This fall, like most falls, I spent loads of time outside walking and taking in the beauty of the changing seasons. It's such a great time to be out in our parks...

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  • 2020 Favourite List

    Posted on December 26 2020

    This year has been a challenge for most of us, no need to point out the obvious, but through it all, I found some great discoveries that brought a little...

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  • Fall Update

    Posted on October 13 2020

    I am trying to get into the cozy of fall. I've started to bake muffins, make stews and soups, spend time in the woods as the leaves turn and listen...

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  • Since We Last Left Off...

    Posted on July 13 2020

    Once the weather warmed up in April, it was time to tackle some issues in the yard. As I've mentioned in a past post, we had to have our sewer...

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  • Hope Springs Eternal

    Posted on April 21 2020

    January is all about the blue...  Blue dawns ~  Blue landscape ~  Blue walkways ~  Blue backgrounds ~  But not blue moods thanks to visits with funny friends ~  Puzzles...

    1 Comments Read More
  • Year In Review - 2019

    Posted on March 06 2020

    I finished my 2019 recap book! Click the photo link below to go to it, and once you're there, click on the PREVIEW and make sure to hit the arrows at...

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  • Long Winter Silence

    Posted on January 17 2020

    I'm long overdue on this post. I guess the reason for my silence has been because the last half of 2019 had a series of misfortunate events, of which, I...

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  • What The Duck?

    Posted on October 14 2019

    In early September, I was chatting with a friend about the slug problem in my yard and she mentioned that she knew someone who rented ducks to deal with her bug...

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  • Summer Treasures

    Posted on September 03 2019

    My birthday boy turned 45 this July! As per usual, we had the band and few other friends and family over for a bbq in the backyard and a jam...

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  • Recapping Spring

    Posted on July 01 2019

    April was busy with 4 plays at the Citadel, a visit down south to see my friends, Tricia and Mike and a surprise visit from our old friend, Mark who currently...

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  • Year In Review - 2018

    Posted on April 16 2019

    I finished my 2018 recap book! Click the photo link below to go to it, and once you're there, make sure to hit the arrows button to open it up big. ...

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  • From -28 C to +28C

    Posted on March 18 2019

    It's March and it looks like we're in the depths of winter still, but the sun is warmer, the days a little longer and the snow is starting to melt,...

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  • Winter Wrap-Up

    Posted on December 10 2018

    Our nephews and niece each have a time capsule buried in their parents yard from when they were babies. Our nephew, James (centre in the photo below) is now 20...

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  • An Autumn Update

    Posted on October 05 2018

    We spent most of August out in the yard or at festivals. And our Calgarian friends came for a visit with their sweet boy, Sully, who took a shine to Chris especially...

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  • Summer Buzz

    Posted on July 30 2018

    August is just around the corner, and like usual, summer is screaming along! I've been trying to embrace the warm, sunny days and the garden as much as I can,...

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  • A Bye and Then a Lull

    Posted on May 30 2018

    It's been two months since I last updated. I guess I needed some space from my art to deal with the loss of Tamye (see March' post). The last couple of months were...

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  • Awaiting Spring

    Posted on March 27 2018

    The snow is falling today, but that hasn't dampened my spring fever! I have been thinking about my garden so much as of late. I think the new addition of...

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  • January Respite

    Posted on February 02 2018

    There's always a niggling guilt that comes with my perennial desire to take January "off". To hog it all to myself, just slightly rationalized by the excuse that it is, after all, my...

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  • Year In Review - 2017

    Posted on January 31 2018

    I just finished my 2017 recap book! It's a doozy so if you're interested, grab yourself a coffee or a glass of wine and enjoy. :) Click the photo link below...

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  • November Endeavors

    Posted on December 24 2017

    I was grateful for the cold spell in November, which made staying in necessary and torching rather cozy. That almost sums up November entirely... I made lots of beads! Some...

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  • October Update

    Posted on November 05 2017

    Despite getting somewhat back into a routine, October just flew right by like every other month. We had some lovely fall weather so I was able to spend most mornings...

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  • September Courage

    Posted on October 12 2017

    Judy's surgery began at 7:50 am on September 1st. Earlier this summer she started to experience extreme discomfort, constantly feeling full and bloated even on an empty stomach. Her appetite radically diminished...

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  • August Shine

    Posted on September 05 2017

     August started stormy...  But the skies soon cleared and we spent most of the month outdoors enjoying the sunshine. My cousin from Arizona, Shilo and her newlywed husband, Steve came for a...

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  • Summertime in the City

    Posted on July 30 2017

    How's your summer been so far? We've been enjoying our yard, friends and the city's festivities.  On Canada Day, we had a wiener roast and a Canadiana quiz with Ice...

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  • Beautiful June

    Posted on July 08 2017

    June zipped right by, probably because we were quite busy for the most part. It started with Chris' sister's birthday. We all went out to celebrate at her beautiful acreage in the...

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  • May Days

    Posted on June 05 2017

    My favourite month is May (June is a close second). There's just so much happening in May & this year was no exception. Added bonus, the Edmonton Oilers were in...

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  • April Action

    Posted on May 01 2017

    April started with a reno in our bedroom. I forgot to take the before photo, but I do have a picture of this area on the day we moved in...

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  • March Musings

    Posted on March 31 2017

    We had a really cold March so I spent most of it making new beads including these ~ FOSSIL ~ A mingling of murrini, goldstone, silvered ivory, hand pulled stringer &...

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  • In The Heart of Winter

    Posted on February 19 2017

    January came & went. Mickey (our new kitty) filled up most of it. But there were gorgeous skies, hoar frost, a clear river, birthday celebrations & cozy moments too ~ Then...

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