Recent Musings
Posted on March 15 2021
Well a new year started and unfortunately, Covid didn't just disappear like many had hoped.
It's been a cozy winter, enjoying the twinkle lights, but I have been anticipating spring as all the Bohemian Waxwings collect to eat the last of the berries on the fruit trees:
We spent a lot of time inside this winter. Chris has been renovating the basement for several years now. Chipping away at it in his free time. He's reconfigured the entire space and built a lovely guest room, a bathroom with a shower, a recording studio and a laundry room. He is currently working on the "pub" part of the basement. When it's done, I will show a tour of it all, but for now, since it's still under construction, here's a little peek at the progress:
And upstairs I've been tackling a reno of our office since January. This is the third time I've reinvented this room, hopeful three times the charm!
It went from this:
To this:
To this:
Which in theory, I loved. But the plants died because of the lack of light and I didn't go in there on bright, sunny days because it was too dark. Plus, it was the last room in our house that had the dreaded popcorn ceiling and I wanted it gone.
And now:
I have a few more tweaks to do so I'll update this once the closet curtain and other ottoman have arrived and I've replaced the blind, but it's so much brighter and enjoyable to work in here now.
We had marvellous weather in January, the river didn't even freeze over so we went for a lot of walks along the river path in our fancy pom-pom toques:
Our pets continued to be adorable throughout the winter months:
My birthday wasn't in some warm, tropical location this year, but we did go over to my Mom's and she cooked us the best meal:
In February, Chris and I celebrated 20 years together and I arranged for a surprise serenade from our nephews who are incredible musicians. They learnt our song "Yellow" by Cold Play and encored with "In My Life" by The Beatles in our hallway. It was truly a special moment.
I did a lot of big batch cooking in February, turning my kitchen into somewhat of a disaster zone, but it's so nice, every so often to grab something from the freezer for dinner that just needs reheating.
Mom and I kept the Cocktail Club going while putting together awesome puzzles from Stumpcraft during a frigid February.
And I finally got a haircut, long overdue ~
On the first of March, we celebrated my Mom's birthday. We went for a walk in the woods to feed the birds. She received wine and flowers and a video montage from friends and family around the world wishing her well. That night I cooked her sheetpan chicken tikka (so good) and drank a delicious wine.
I'm back at the torch and Judy and I are working on a new line that we're very excited about, but I'm not ready to share yet - stay tuned and have a lovely spring!
1 comment
Yay Carrie what an amazing year already a lot happening
I am glad to be part of some very fun times with you and Jude. Here’s to a great spring!!🍀🐇🐿 cheers