November Endeavors

Posted on December 24 2017

I was grateful for the cold spell in November, which made staying in necessary and torching rather cozy. That almost sums up November entirely... I made lots of beads! Some I strung together for online auctions, but the majority of them, I gave to Judy to make wearable pieces for our December Open House. She even created a new bracelet line that we are calling the "Treasure" bracelets because of all the treasure like components that go into them, including handmade glass beads, semi precious stones, twisted strands of silver, amber, pearls and other semi precious beads with a ring of playful charms in the centre -

Judy also made some new zipper pulls and sweet pendants and I made loads of ring toppers and hearts -

I worked nearly every day, even on the weekends, except for one Saturday when we went to see our talented nephew, Jonny perform in Big Fish, the musical -

Above: Chris with Jonny and Carl the Giant in behind. My Sister-in-law commissioned me to make a fish pendant for the director of the play and after seeing the shirts made for all the kids who performed, I was inspired - 

Chris and I also went to Hadestown at the Citadel and though we didn't know what to expect, by the end of the play, we both thought it was the best show we had ever seen there. If it plays in your neck of the woods, I would highly recommend going to it.

And I did take another weekend off when my friend, Skye from Vancouver came for a visit. We went for pedis and to Bodega for dinner again, definitely my favourite restaurant at the moment. And after brunch the next day, we finally drove across the new "big city" bridge!  


There were a handful of mornings that were warm enough for walking so I ventured out to watch the geese and ducks collecting (the dots in the water) and eventually migrating - 

And evenings were spent staying warm and cozy - 


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