• Year In Review - 2016

    Posted on January 23 2017

    I finished my 2016 recap book! Click the photo link below to go to it, and once you're there, make sure to hit the arrows at the top to open it...

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  • Meet Mickey!

    Posted on January 22 2017

    I follow Zoe's Animal Rescue on Facebook & over the holidays, this mug showed up on my feed from them: That was it, love at first sight. I applied to...

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  • Season's Greetings

    Posted on December 14 2016

    December already! The fall always flies by. I've been deep in my work since the parts for my kiln came & Chris fixed it. Soon though, I'll turn my focus towards Christmas &...

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  • September News

    Posted on September 25 2016

    Happy Autumn! The leaves are changing (& falling) quickly now, but we've been having some stellar days & I've been down to the river a lot, anticipating the water's shift...

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  • Summer Update

    Posted on July 24 2016

    It's been a busy & fun summer so far! Hope you're enjoying the great outdoors & all the activities that come with this time of year. Here's a little recap...

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  • Master Class with Anouk Jasperse!

    Posted on May 24 2016

    I had an incredible 2 day bead class with Anouk Jasperse! She is a bead making Extraordinaire from The Netherlands & she came to Edmonton to teach several classes back in April....

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  • Spring Has Sprung

    Posted on April 05 2016

    This was a special March. We had the opportunity to celebrate my Mom's birthday out in Victoria. I love Victoria, it is such a delightful place ~ green, lush, the air...

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  • Love Is In The Air!

    Posted on February 12 2016

    Just went on a little trip to Phoenix & Tucson.  Phoenix for family & fun, Tucson for the many bead shows that happen at this time of year there... like...

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  • Bring on the New Year

    Posted on January 24 2016

    Happy New Year to you all! I hope your January is grooving along nicely. We had an excellent end to 2015, with a walk by the river on a frosty...

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  • Year in Review - 2015

    Posted on January 22 2016

    I finished my 2015 recap book! Click the photo link below to go to it, and once you're there, make sure to hit the arrows at the top to open...

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  • Happy Holidays

    Posted on December 19 2015

    A month has passed since the last update & I can hardly believe it! In a blink of an eye, our busiest time of the year is almost complete & soon...

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  • A Fall Update

    Posted on November 16 2015

    We've had a very busy autumn, preparing for the make it! show coming up next weekend *eep*!  Judy & I are also going to have an open house the following weekend...

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  • A Post About Penny Posts

    Posted on September 22 2015

    I've mentioned before about our penny posts, but perhaps you're new around these parts & haven't heard about this incredible project that my husband, Chris has been working on for several...

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  • Paintings Large and Small

    Posted on August 26 2015

    This is Judy (snapped awhile back), working on a show for an art gallery in town.  It's no secret around these parts that Judy has a passion for zebras &...

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  • What, We Won?!

    Posted on August 16 2015

    We've had quite a bit of excitement around here as of late!  In July we were nominated for Front Yards in Bloom, which is a city program that celebrates attractive front yards in...

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  • New Art Talisman Necklaces

    Posted on August 15 2015

    We are really excited about a new line of Miniature Paintings set in resin to be worn as art!   As some of you may know, my Mom, Judy Hamilton,...

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  • Everything Old is New Again

    Posted on August 12 2015

    Judy has been at work making new things out of old parts.  These delightful keychains consist of antique carabiners with our glass beads & finished with shimmery silk tassels ~...

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  • Ribs!

    Posted on August 05 2015

    Chris has been experimenting with wood smoke barbecuing & I think he's mastered ribs! They are so delicious with layers of smokey sweet flavour, I just couldn't resist sharing his...

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  • Wedding Gift Ideas

    Posted on July 15 2015

    Have you seen this spectacular photo, taken a couple of weekends ago in Calgary?  A foreboding omen or a once in a life time stunning photo?  I lean to the...

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  • May Recap and Some Exciting News!

    Posted on June 15 2015

    So I blinked & May was over!  I think the considerable transition from perpetual indoor living to a mix of indoor & outdoor living really changes the time dynamic for us Northerners, at...

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  • A Lifetime On a String...

    Posted on April 21 2015

    The other day, while cleaning my studio, I came across this string of charms, hanging from a bookshelf, so I took it down to examine it.  I made this back...

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  • Trinkets, Treasure and Teeth?

    Posted on April 08 2015

    Did you hear about the little girl in Portland who has been feeding crows in her backyard & in return they have been leaving all sorts of trinkets!  Above, some...

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  • The Amazing Kreskin and Other Adventures...

    Posted on April 02 2015

    We saw the Amazing Kreskin the other week!  Have you seen him live?  It was fun (& a little corny).  I actually ended up on stage & then back stage...

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  • Are We There Yet?

    Posted on March 25 2015

    My big brother once said, "talking about the weather is the lowest form of conversation", replying to some sort of forecast observation I was making at the time. I remember...

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  • Our Office Facelift

    Posted on March 18 2015

    With all the changes going on around here, I thought it would be a good time to also rethink the home office so that it could work better for us &...

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  • We're Back!

    Posted on March 10 2015

    Some of you may have noticed that our website disappeared over the holidays. To make a long story short, our site caught a bug & corrupted our files. We had...

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