Winter Wrap-Up
Posted on December 10 2018
Our nephews and niece each have a time capsule buried in their parents yard from when they were babies. Our nephew, James (centre in the photo below) is now 20 and wanted to dig up his treasures so in early October, we all went out to the acreage and enjoyed some lovely fall weather while the young guys unturned the earth, scooping it out on the x that marked the spot until they finally hit sealed pails down below full of memories.
Unfortunately, 2 of the 4 pails had water leakage and some of his handmade cards and photos were ruined, but most of it survived including a pack of cigarettes (who's idea was that?), lots of photo albums, rare coins, notes from family and friends relating to how the world was when James was a wee lad, newspapers and magazines, toys and rolls of film (remember them?). It was a trip back in time!
In October, we also had our now "Annual" Chilli Cook Off, held in our neighbours' garage.
Above, my two favourite guys, Chris and my brother, Bruce. There were 4 chillis in the competition this time, last year there were just ours and our neighbours and we squeaked out a win. This year, however, we came in second place to a new comer so it's on for next year!
Another highlight this October was meeting one of my favourite authors. Are you familiar with the Inspector Gamache novels by Louise Penny? If not, I would highly recommend them. It's a set of cozy murder mysteries that take place in Quebec and from the beginning it is effortlessly easy to fall in love with the charming little village of Three Pines and all the quirky small town characters. Needless to say, I am a big fan along with my Mom and our friends, Stacey and Tim. As luck would have it, Louise Penny was in town visiting her brother and decided to do a book signing at Audrey's Bookstore downtown so we went to meet the wonderful author and to thank her for many hours of enjoyment -
Of course, as like every fall, I spent mornings in the park enjoying the beautiful autumn sky contrasting with the warm colours of the wood's swan song foliage -
November was a busy month for the Bead Tree, working long hours at the torch and computer along with a few extra shows before our Open House on the 1st and 2nd of December. This was my front yard the day before our show followed by the back yard the day after our show! We had almost 30 cm of snow -
It wasn't ideal for driving, but it did make that weekend very Christmassy and cozy. A big thank you to all who braved the snowy roads to come!
And now, another week to finish up some orders and then maybe a little break to get into the Christmas spirit with some decorating, gift purchasing and baking. Last year, I made these Eggnog Florentines and they were divine! I might have to whip them up again. :)
Until next year, wishing you the warmest moments of the season. Hope your holidays are filled with lots of love and a little magic too.