Trinkets, Treasure and Teeth?
Posted on April 08 2015
Did you hear about the little girl in Portland who has been feeding crows in her backyard & in return they have been leaving all sorts of trinkets!

Above, some of her crow gifts. You can read more of her charming story here. And 12 helpful tips for attracting crows to your yard. I think I better start keeping an eye on my bird feeders for anything flashy.
Speaking of shiny treasure ~ I have new bead sets up for grabs! Click on the picture below to get your hot, little hands on them!
And something unrelated, but rather interesting happened to me yesterday. I went in for 2 root canals, which were re-dos of 2 root canals I had done over 20 years ago. I guess the original dentist didn't get all the nerves out & my current dentist has been on my case to get them done properly. Well, I've been putting it off because I didn't want to relive the trauma I experienced the first time around, but I finally bit the bullet & this time around, it was painless! The reason? They gave me Ativan beforehand. Then they brought me in, put a blanket on me, let me listen to my audiobook in my headphones (!) & I actually fell asleep for the majority of the procedure! Since, I've felt no pain either. It was a walk in the park! So, if you have to go in for anything scary at the dentist, you might want to ask if they offer Ativan. I can't tell you how much of a difference it made.
Lastly, this is mind blowing! The fastest blind Rubik's Cube solve. Hope you have a wonderful week ahead!
1 comment
That is so amazing what that girl found. It shows you that everyone needs to take time and look for treasures that are all around you :)
I totally agree with you and the Ativan. I have been taking them before all my dental appointments. I had a very bad experience at a dentist when I was younger and am terrified of going. About 10 years ago a new dentist saw how terrified I was and suggested for the next appointment to take Ativan. Worked like a charm !!! I listen to my Ipod and get through any procedure. I call them my happy pills :) I also suggest it to any one who says they have trouble with going to the dentist.
Have a great week !!!