The Amazing Kreskin and Other Adventures...
Posted on April 02 2015
We saw the Amazing Kreskin the other week! Have you seen him live? It was fun (& a little corny). I actually ended up on stage & then back stage with him while some audience members hid his paycheck for him to find. For 80 years old, that man had boundless energy & was sharp as a tack! Here's a little taste if you don't know who I'm talking about. And a cool trick with cards worth watching.
We also went to The Book of Mormon, which was very entertaining! Written by the guys who created South Park, it's pretty dark so we were quite surprised to see 2 young children sitting right in front of us *gasp*. At the end of the show, the Mom of the 2 kids turned to us & said, "I'm going to win the Mother of the Year award for this one!" Our friend replied, "you've got a lot of explaining to do when you get home". Here's the opening number, (*bonus* this link is from the Tony Awards). It's definitely the tamest song of the whole play.
In other news, I recently drove by my childhood house. Have you ever done that? It was a flood of old memories, like teleporting back in time ~
I was in the area running errands & for some reason, I wondered how long the walk from the house to my school really was because as a kid, it seemed like the longest hike ever. So I set my odometer, drove the route & it turns out that it's only a kilometer ~ ha! Kids are SO dramatic!
Did you get tricked this April Fool's Day? Online I was tricked a couple of times, one friend showing off her brand new pet pig & another announcing she was moving away for a year ~ doh! I am so gullible, but I'm also game & snuck around late Tuesday night, putting googly eyes on everything Chris was going to come into contact with in the morning before leaving for work (at 4:30 am!). The garage door opener was my favourite ~
Hope you're having a great start to April. If you're not on the newsletter, I did put some glass bead sets up for sale.