Spring Has Sprung

Posted on April 05 2016

This was a special March. We had the opportunity to celebrate my Mom's birthday out in Victoria. I love Victoria, it is such a delightful place ~ green, lush, the air soft & dewy.  Of course it was even more incredible to be there with family & to celebrate my sweet Mom.

Judy flew to Victoria from Phoenix, shortly after we arrived from Edmonton (my Bro, his 2 girls, Chris & I).  This is the first photo, a little blurry, but you get the sense of how excited she was to see us (vice versa on our end).   

Below, Judy greeting her Granddaughters.  Such a sweet moment.

We stayed in a B&B near my Uncle & Aunt's place. This was the view from the sunroom!  Gorgeous cherry trees in full blossom.  

We were right near Oak Bay so Chris & I wandered around the harbour in the early mornings before meeting up with the family, taking in the ocean air, sights & seals ~

Though our stay was short, we managed to squeeze in a visit with our friends, Marc & Jenny one night.  This was the view as we were heading towards a pub downtown to meet them.  Such a beautiful area, day or night ~ 

Marc & Chris reunion, yay!

One day, we strolled through Beacon Park to watch the ducks & spot the peacocks ~ 

And we explored Chinatown, with the thinnest alleyways & coolest doors.

It was a great trip ~ a treat to take a weekend off from our winter & spend some quality time with family.  

Back at home, I started spotting coyotes almost daily. So I got to thinking, perhaps they are this year's spirit animal for me. Last year, I had a magpie hanging around, chatting with me every morning (he still comes to visit :). Anyway, I looked up the coyote meaning & was very intrigued by what it said ~ 

"You are being reminded to laugh at yourself. Things have been entirely too serious of late and you simply need to let loose and get on with it. Stop dwelling on your worries and stresses and let them go. Do something that gives you pleasure and joy and focus on the positive for a change."

Wow!  I think this is great advice, as I've been in a bit of a funk, which is quite normal during the tail-end of winter for me.  After all the work towards Christmas, a frenzy from September 'til Boxing Day, January & February unfold slow & solemn.  

Every season has it's gifts, however.  Winters' have alluded me in the past, but now I try to be present for them, embrace these offerings. It's a time to look up at the vastness & variety the sky provides each day with no distractions on the horizon for a smudge of white. And of course, the cozy moments, warm with slippers, blankets & heat, nights with deep sleep.  It's a time to rest & recharge too. I appreciate this time to reflect on the year that passed & to look forward to what's ahead, but sometimes I can slip into a place of deep rumination that can be a bit brooding. So those coyotes, I'll take them as a sign to "snap out of it", roll up my sleeves & get back to work.  

And now spring, the renewal, the rebirth.  A dance with the light again, the sing song choir of birds & all around, a shifting landscape, ardent to grow. And so, I too have caught the bug, the need to grow, stretch my creativity ~ 


New beads. I'm really excited about the way things are going. I've decided to open a separate Etsy shop for just bead strands, for the designers out there. I'll have more information on that once it's stocked up. 

Wishing you warm days ahead. :)

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