Adiós 2021

Posted on February 15 2022

Well 2021 was an interesting year... actually, November and December seemed kind of normal including visits with friends: 

Judy and I continued our new "making wreaths" tradition: 

We went on a few outings - dinner and the theatre with Chris and the Muttart Conservatory in town, haven't been there in years! It's always nice to see a little green in the winter.

We had those lovely winter evening skies as the sun set further south ~

Christmas was a little more low key, but still festive and people were actually sitting beside each other and hugging, oh my!  

Mickey got his annual Christmas stash of tissue paper to play with: 

 But one thing that wasn't normal and extremely hard was that we had to say goodbye to our dear, sweet Sheila. Such a good dog right up to the very end. We will miss you little sausage. You're sweet, forever puppy face even though we secretly knew you were an old soul who wanted to be treated like a queen.

We will miss your twirls and sense of excitement at every turn. You're obsessive love for food and mild interest in people. You're soft cuddles and guard dog woofs at other dogs when you noticed them walking by without their leash, how dare they run loose on your watch!

We will miss how much you loved heading out in the car on new adventures. You were a wonderful companion, always game to seek out new places, new parks and new picnic sites.

We will miss you so much. The time we had together was immeasurable and will be forever cherished.

Sheila passed a few weeks before Christmas. It was a tough transition as I know you can imagine. Just before New Year's Eve, this little girl showed up in a search: 

Oh boy, that was a tough face to resist. Mom and I went out to meet her and she bonded with Mom immediately. Needless to say, there's a whole lot of crazy, chaotic puppy joy bubbling from Judy's house.

This is Daisy. Daisy is crazy and Daisy is darling.

What I would give to have 1/10 her energy, it's fascinating. It's also super, duper fantastic when Miss Daisy gets dozy. Oh look, it's starting to happen, she tuckered herself right out: 

And to our beloved Sheila, rest in peace, we will always love you.  

Since the start of the new year, it's been a lot of puppy training for Judy. We've also been working on grants for an exhibition we are working towards (more on that later) and Chris and I went off to Mexico for a little break. I'll put some pictures up in a separate post for that when I have a chance. 

Wishing you well this new year, spring is around the corner... right? Won't that be nice?!  Until the next time, here's my sweet sleeping beauty, just this afternoon, in all his criss-cross leg glory ~ 



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